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Our Services: Talent Management Advantage

When filling a job vacancy or seeking a job becomes overwhelming, Focus Seed has you covered. With Focus Seed, one place one source we have the ultimate solution to get you focus and align you with your true employment needs. Aiming to be your “one stop shop”, we are here to filter out the noise and provide you with a site that has everything in one place.

Recruitment on demand:
Need a temporary recruiter? We provide on-demand recruitment services to alleviate the time and pressure of filling your vacancies.

Talent management:
We provide a strategic approach to recruitment, hiring, employee development, and retention. We assess current issues and help you develop a practical solution. Through data analysis, we identify strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. Assessing and improving the level of engagement within your workforce, helping your employees reach their full potential.

Exit interviews:
Hiring a third party can provide the opportunity for individuals to express themselves freely by providing candid and accurate feedback to someone not in your organization. We help you gather insight into the drivers of turnover, allowing you to improve retention, reduce turnover, and make meaningful changes in your organization.

HR job board:
Connecting employers with job seekers in the HR field